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Friday, December 31

spc law cancel

 hah, ni nk share psl spc law yg telah di'cancel oleh mara serta merta!
okay, to mieyzah, lutfia, saya sendiri dan anyone else yg apply.
sorry sbb bnde ni mmg akn wt korg regret gilaaa.

saya : hello slmt ptg, nk tnye psl spc under mara tu?
en.mara1 : ouh, spc ek.kjp ye..
saya : okay,
en.mara2 : ye, sy?
saya : sy nk tnye psl spc under mara tu.
en.mara2 : okay, bg num ic

*ak kasi num ic

en.mara2 : nama ape ek?
*ak kasi nme

en.mara2 : hmm, ambk jurusan ape ek
saya : law
en.mara2 : okay, kjp ye

*lama gila ak tggu kot,bnyi sok sek sok sek,semak kjadah ntah

en.mara2 : adik, ambk jurusan ape td?
saya : erm, UNDANG2
en.mara2 : err, okay, jp ye, sy smbung kn ke cik hakim.
saya : okay,

*kjdah spe ntah hakim tu,faiz ckp ntah2 ak ckp ng sir zul.ngeh3.

en.hakim : yes?
saya : slmt ptg, sy nk tnye psl spc under mara tu.
en.hakim : okay, ambk jurusan ape ek?
saya : law
en.hakim : err, adk. sory ye. kte x dpt nk proceed course tu.
saya : haa?? x dpt proceed? but why?
en.hakim : hmm, kte x cukup calon, so if nk jugak ambk, kne tggu result spm nnt lh.
saya : laaaaaa, yeke. tht's mean spc law tu mmg cancel lh?
en.hakim : ye2, kte dah cancel kn.
saya : ouhh, okay2. thanks a lot.


setelah meletakkan fon,
haa, mmg kecelaruan serta kebiadaban kata2 pun...
mmg automatically out!

hampeh dohh, seriously, hampeh nk mati!
huhh, ape kes? if dh cancel, mmg compulsary lh annouce kn!
jgn lh wt student cm org ngok ngek waiting for bnde yg not sure cm tuh!

alahaii, MARA oh MARA.. mengapakahhh? hukhukhuk :(

bukan lh ak riak nk ckp yg ak mmg cmfirm dpt.
tapi dh usaha gila2 apply bnde tuh.
weh, time spm kot. messy2 psl bnde nih! 
org lain dok study, yg kitorg dok strgle jugak stle bnde ni. pe bnde?

okay, ak try fhm. dorg msti ade reason wt cm tu kn.
tp bg tau lh wehh. aduhaii, sedih nya hati kot. 

tp x pe lh, bila zaty da kasi advice tu kn,
ak pn da buleh redha lh. even, mmg still ade skt hati lg lh.
so, now. i'm just hoping and praying for the good result.
then, i'll apply another, okay kn? 

thanks a lot for those who are always support me, okay?
hoping for the bright future one. :)