because of 3 o'clock baru masuk kje. hahaa. mmg sgt busan lh di rumah.
tiba2 khaliq call, waaa. dia di putrajaya lh beb, ngeee. mmg sgt pantas bersiap.
afza, afza, fetch me pls.... muahahahaaa.
super super sakai
so, here we go. mmg lepak habis lh. well, girl khaliq pendiam ke (?)
ahahaa, ak mcm x ngam sgt lh dgn si pendiam kot.
but dont know pulak if she's not that kind of the one that i think. ngeee.
mula2 lepak mcD lh jp. tayang muka betul. hhii.
then, eh? tiba2 rasa lapar gila. jum pergi rasaa!
mkn lh wehh. hahaa. makan2. then, dorg nk usha wayang.
tp ak x join lh. pukul 3 masuk kerja kn.
dorg tgk beastly. opsss, i dh tgk dgn my lover lh beb.
korg enjoy lh that movie yep. ehehee...
eh, ada masa lagi lh. jum lepak game babe!
muahahaaa, mmg girl khaliq ni berdendam dgn ak ke ape ntah.
x psl2 masa main basketball game tu, ball that she threw tepat kena kt ak.
hell yeahhh! mmg gaban best! hahaa. xpe2. dimaafkan. (?)
mereka nk ke mana ntah. mls nk join sbb damn really sleepy!
muahahaa, so, bye bye tauu. :)
then, jum kerja!