actually, x tau nk letak post title apa lh. hahaa.
mcm2 nk cerita.
most importantly, i'm sick and tired with my life nowwwww!
anybody? bring me far far away from humans! hahaa.
yeahh, human being. it's tough. hard.
full of hypocrite! damn.
seriously, lately ni, aku mcm x live lgsg life aku.
semua blur je, pucat, pudar.
haishh, weird je semua ayat aku nihh! =,=
well, ni lh dunia.
full of hypocrite, right?
yeahh, exactly! nk hidup kena pandai2 lh wehh.
boyfriend? haha, damn it.
yeahh, sure. sometimes rasa nk live dgn unknown people.
errkk, weird lagi. hahaa.
yepp, sharul fifi jamaludin. *siapakah?
buah hati lh konon nya. x lh, mmg official boyfriend lh!
tapi kenapa lately ni, everything's different!
okay, i accpet, in relationship, mmg byk challenge lh.
but why i just cant understand?!
yes, thats it. i'll never understand u, dear. since u're TOO BUSY.
i dont even know u else. then, what?
is BREAK a best desicion?
is it?
i've no idea lh wehh.
well, u know, mcm the song that i put in my blog.
if u can feel the song. yeahh, feel it.
it's relating, with my life, now.
perfect nightmare by shontelle.
hahaa, sorg pn x perasan, konon nya, aku ni tgh sad lh,
letak a part of this song's lyric dkt status fb.
yeahh, except my beloved brother, abg anep.
well, dia mmg expert lh bab2 ni.
hmm, nk cerita pasal adk angkat kesayangan dia boleh x?
malas nk mention nama. siapa yg terasa. nasib je lh.
i dont ever care lh wehh. (!)
okay, at first aku tau girl ni adk angkat fie, aku cool lg lh.
tp bila girl yg baik hati plus berbudi bahasa ni,
sebar benda x elok plus x benar sama sekali about me,
mmg x lh nk sabar wehhh.
fine lh, mulut org kn. mmg x lh nk stop kn.
but who the hell u are, girl?
apa kaitan life aku dgn kau? what?
sbb abg kau? heyy, go to hell.
haishhh, dh lh. aku malas nk ungkit.
kang menambun dosa. herghhh. =,=
betul2 rindu time gelak2 mcm ni :'(
dia pn tau aku x suka adk dia tu,
tp dia buat2 x faham. kenapa ehh?
aku bkn lh kisah dia nk contact or jumpa dgn girl tu pn.
dorg dh kenal lama pulak if nk compare dgn aku ni.
tp pls, pls n pls... respect my feeling.
respect my status. thats all. thank youu.
aku rindu lh fie yg dulu.
yg suka buat lawak, suka gelak2.
buat muka 'cipan'.
senang nk discuss apa2,
boleh share macam2.
yeahh, tu lh muka 'cipan' dia. :D
skrg 'fie' tu kt mana ye?
or aku yg dh changed??
yep, fie ckp aku yg dh berubah?
no way! this is me! still the same emilia.
how dare him, kn? sedih x?
hahaa, entah lh. skrg ni pn kitorg on off je.
apa org kata, ermm, suam2 kuku kot.
dh lh, aku mls nk fikir byk.
selagi aku boleh go on, i will.
ada jodoh tu, mmg ada lh kn?
heyy, lagi pn nuremilia uzir still a teenager, okay?
so, live your life. with all the joyful. *menatang apa ntah aku ckp ni.